Author: Karl Fitzgerald
How independence was never intended to mean freedom.
When: Thurs April 30th, 6.30 for 6.45pm startWho: Karl Fitzgerald, Earthsharing Australia Project Coordinator and 3CR’s Renegade Economist.Download Flyer
Vanuatu means ‘Eternal Land’.
However, our recent visit to these idyllic lands revealed a dark side to the beauty surrounding such a community. Economic policy is out of kilter with the Treasure Island type mentality that wealthy speculators abuse in quoting Vanuatu as the ‘World’s Happiest People’. The free lunch prerogative of the vested interests has the indigenous people of Vanuatu, the ni-Van’s, battling for food in a bounty-ful land .
We returned from Vanuatu in tears at the destruction economic policy was causing. Both working people and capitalists themselves are subservient to the forces that have brought the world economy to it’s knees. We were chased off world heritage land developments by shady property sharks but yet lauded by people in the street for bringing understanding to the economic imperative that land demands.
Australia’s reputation in the Pacific has scarcely been lower. We are facing the likelihood of more Fiji-like revolutions with the current tax policy recommendations of the World Bank, IMF and ANZUS dominating the Pacific.
Foreign aid will be forensically examined and the keynesian limitations discussed during the presentation. We must find a new model for community development. Earthsharing Australia will be discussing this new model within the confines of the projects undertaken with ‘ni-NGO’.
ni-NGO is a ni-Van run NGO that Earthsharing Australia has helped set up. If this model is successful, we will set up Earthsharing Pacific to give both DIY self-support at the micro level, and tax advice at the macro level throughout the Pacific.
Come and hear about the trials and tribulations of one of the world’s most beautiful locations, the progress we have made so far and our outline to assist ni-Van’s regain control over their most precious resource – the land on which they are meant to stand.
Where: Level 1/ 27 Hardware Lane, MelbourneEntry: gold coin donation – all funding goes towards ni-NGODrinks and nibbles to followRSVP via Facebook or via email